We come together to worship the God who has saved us.
As we gather together around God’s Word and Sacrament (Holy Baptism and Holy Communion), God uses his Word and Sacrament to comfort us, encourage us, and shape us.
Because worshipping together is such a key part of our lives as Christians, we gather for worship each week. Our regular worship services are Sunday mornings at 9. All are invited! All are welcome!
Each service has a series of Bible readings, songs, prayers, and a sermon, all focusing on that service’s particular theme.
On the first and third Sunday of each month we also offer Holy Communion to our members. (If you are not a member yet, please speak with us about how you can become a member.)
After the worship service, everyone has the chance to enjoy some fellowship and some refreshments in our gathering space.
Click on the links below to see what is coming up in worship at St. Peter’s or to explore past worship services.