Many people come together to carry out the work we do at St. Peter’s. Some of them do so in an official capacity, and some do so in an unofficial capacity. Here are the people who with official positions on our team at St. Peter’s.
Pastor Aaron Jensen
Pastor Jensen has served at St. Peter’s since 2021, having previously served as a pastor in Michigan. Originally from Wisconsin, Pastor and his wife Carolyn have three sons. Pastor Jensen holds a BA in Greek and Hebrew (Martin Luther College, 2011), an MDiv in pastoral ministry (Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, 2015), an STM in New Testament (Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, 2021), and a PhD in New Testament (South African Theological Seminary, 2023). “Pastor” means “shepherd,” so as pastor, Pastor Jensen’s role is to shepherd the congregation using God’s Word, such as by preaching, teaching, and counseling.
President Scott Christianson
As congregation president, Scott chairs any official meetings and oversees the affairs of the congregation.
Elder and Vice President Rodney Kisner
As elder, Rodney works with Pastor to oversee the spiritual welfare of the congregation, especially the times we gather together for worship.
Secretary Paul Winkelman
As secretary, Paul keeps the records of all official meetings.
Treasurer David Hayes
As treasurer, Dave handles all the expenses of the congregation.
Financial Secretary Deb Stoffer
As financial secretary, Deb keeps records of offerings given, as is required of all non-profit organizations.
Education and Evangelism Steven Ordorff
In overseeing education and evangelism, Steve helps direct the congregation’s efforts to grow together in God’s Word and also to go to others.
Trustee Mitchell Hayes
As trustee, Mitchell is responsible for the upkeep and improving of the congregation’s physical facilities.
Volunteer Coordinator Shirley Hayes
As volunteer coordinator, Shirley connects members of the congregation with the various ways they can serve in the congregation.
Children’s Ministries Carolyn Jensen
For children’s ministries, Carolyn teaches Sunday School and the Family Art Classes, and she also coordinates the Family Book Nights.
Organists SueAnn Perreault, Judy Schmidt, and Debbie Kopitzke
SueAnn, Judy, and Debbie accompany the congregation in our worship services.
Communications Chantelle Kiphuth
For communications, Chantelle makes contact with people to make sure they are aware of upcoming events and to check on how they are doing.
Visitations Team Rodney and Deb Kisner
Our visitations team makes visits to our members who are homebound or in nursing homes.
Tech Team Shirley Hayes, Tiffany Hayes, Steven Ordorff, Paul Winkelman
Our tech team runs the screen at the front of church and our YouTube livestream during the service.